Turn your obstacles into adventures with Joyful Resilience

Seen on Stage and Screen with…

Sara infused her presentation with vibrant energy, breaking away from the conventional "dry" style of speeches.

Her storytelling approach captivated the audience, keeping them actively engaged throughout.

  • Stacey Moore, Executive Assistant

Meet Sara Kunz…

Feeling overwhelmed or tuned out by the relentless pace of modern life? Meet Sara Kunz, a 2x Discovery Channel Primitive Survivalist, Therapist in training, and Speaker extraordinaire.  Called “The Joyful Warrior” in her TV appearances, Sara uses her original Joyful Resilience Framework to help you transform obstacles into adventures so you can reconnect with the passion and power of your life and work. 

Instead of offering more life hacks and trends, Sara helps you solve modern problems with simple primitive solutions. She knows from her own experience with PTSD, survival challenges, and modern life, that the simpler a solution is the more likely we are to use it.

After hearing Sara speak, audiences are enlivened, empowered, and ready to embrace the journey ahead with excitement and authenticity.

Solve modern problems with simple primitive solutions

 so you can turn obstacles into Joyful and Resilient Adventures

After an hour with Sara, you will have the tools you need to: 

  • Recognize and transform the 3 types of fear

  • Transform Obstacles into adventures

  • Simplify the chaos of modern life

  • Replace burnout with excitement and joy

  • Embrace obstacles with Joyful Resilience

Don’t wait another month to help your team go from quietly quitting to seeing the modern hustle as a grand adventure!

See Sara in Action

Sara’s Keynote Topics

Adventure Mindset

The only difference between an obstacle and an opportunity is the mindset of adventure.  With riveting stories and actionable takeaways, Sara helps each member of your team become the hero of their own adventure. They’ll see the small daily invitations to adventure that bring a sense of fulfillment, joy, and craft to their lives in and out of the office.

Transforming Stress

Today, we’re more overwhelmed and anxious than ever, and it’s effecting our bottom lines and moral.  Sara uses tried and tested techniques from both her training as a therapist, mindfulness teacher, and her extreme challenges with the Discovery Channel to empower audiences with three simple tools to transform fear into advantageous action.

Joyful Resilience

Resilience will help you meet KPIs and get through setbacks, but it won’t help your employees show up to work with enthusiasm. Joyful Resilience inspires your organization to reconnect with their why and see challenges as calls to adventure so that they can enjoy the 9-5 and take pride in their work.

Blogs + Vlogs:

Joyful Resilience in Action

